Phone (949) 813.6567

Corporate Caterers

Corporate Caterers At a Glance
Franchise Fee: $49,500
Royalty: 5%
Total Investment: $149,000 - $227,800
Can Be Home Based: No
Founded: 1997
Franchised: 2007
VetFran Member: Yes
Franchise Category: Food & Beverage
We are the fast food alternative - how? - CUSTOMERS - B2B (not B2C) (REPEAT CUSTOMERS) - LOCATION - Non-Retail (LOWER RENT) - HOURS - Early mornings to late afternoon (EVENINGS FREE) - DAYS - Monday thru Friday (WEEKENDS FREE) - EMPLOYEES - 1 Shift (not 2-3) (LOWER PAYROLL) - # OF EMPLOYEES - 3-5 (cook, food prep, drivers) - LOWER FOOD COSTS (we order the food after the customer orders)(HIGHER MARGINS) - LOWER INVESTMENT (no sit-down seating needed) (HIGHER ROI ON THE INITIAL INVESTMENT).

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    (949) 813-6567

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