Phone (949) 813.6567

Floor Coverings International

Floor Coverings International At a Glance
Franchise Fee: $93,000
Royalty: 5%
Total Investment: $210,000 - $300,000
Can Be Home Based: No
2021 Entrepreneur 500 Rank: #
Founded: 1988
Franchised: 1988
VetFran Member: Yes
Franchise Category: Home Improvement/Maintenance Services
Floor Coverings International offers a dynamic franchise opportunity for, results-driven entrepreneurs to experience the exponential growth and wealth within the home improvement industry. Combine the explosive market potential of the $100 billion floor covering industry with the huge consumer convenience of shop-at-home, and you have the ingredients for a dynamic and successful franchise. Floor Coverings International is well established in the floor covering industry (since 1988) and understands the unique advantages of the shop-at-home concept, and can provide the training, support and system to launch a successful business.

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    (949) 813-6567

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